So what the hack is Kissing & Fat got to do in tat article. From the article, it says KISS 1min per day can REDUCE FAT! Wow this article sure caught my attention since it got something to do wif
I’ll translate the article to English for the ease who can’t understand Chinese.
From the research, kissing can reduce FAT & PAIN
Kiss can stabilize heart beat, prevent high blood pressure, reduce cholesterol and kissing for 20sec for 3 times a day can make your body stay in SHAPE. Beside tat, kissing can strengthen the teeth and reduce BAD teeth. Kiss can make u beautiful also. This is bcos while u kiss, u sexercise exercise the muscle on the cheek thus improve blood circulation and make your face skin smooth like babies. Lastly Kissing will produce some anti pain thingy so next time when your mouth pain just dun stop kissing!
Wow… after read the article, I desperately wanna kiss so to slim down. I better start kissing every gal the mirror in my room. LoL… just joking k, dun take it seriously. I’m not tat psycho. So I guess this is a good news for couple. Kiss MORE and live HaPpiLy EveR AftEr~!