Few day ago while i was having my dinner with my colleagues... suddenly a colleague mention abt Moon Cutting The Ears... Wtf i burst into laughter bcos i almost forget abt this so call "legend".
So just now i go google to dig out some information. Guess wat i found... Wow seem like alot of ppl experience from this. Their ears all got cut by the moon b4. LoL... let me post the article i found here... but is in chinese. For those which cant understand chinese...there will be an english version below.
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月亮割耳朵 ?!
小时候,常听大人说,不能用手指月亮,如果谁指了月亮,月亮娘娘就会在晚上等你睡觉之后割你的耳朵。我不信,偏偏用手指,并在口里大声说:“月亮月亮我不 怕,我和月亮打一架!”可是第二天清早,真的发现耳朵的耳廓背后的耳根处有血痂并有些疼痛。后来好了以后,我又试了一次,结果头天晚上还好好的耳朵第二天 一早照样又起了血痂并有些疼痛。自那以后我就不敢用手指指月亮了。
每次耳根处起了血痂之后,又比较疼痛不好受,我就问妈妈怎么办?妈妈告诉我晚上月亮出来之后再向月亮娘娘赔礼认错,就会好的。我记得我第二天就一直盼着天 快黑,月亮快出来。到晚上,等月亮出来了赶忙认错:月亮娘娘您大人不记小人过,我是小孩不懂事,多有得罪,请您大发慈悲,原谅我吧!下次再也不敢了!!一 般这样过几天耳朵的“割伤”就自然好了。
Ears "Cut" by The Moon
This person in the article says, when he is small... The adult always told him not to point the finger at the moon. According to the adult, pointing at the moon with your finger will end up your ears got cut by the Moon Goddess. Then this small kid dun believe and pointing at the moon plus provoke the moon. The next day he wake up found out pain from the back of his ears plus got the traces of blood. He dun believe bcos he thought it's coincident so he try again when his ear recover and end up get the same result.
End up this kid beh tahan with the pain and ask his mummy what's the solution. His mummy told him
sing It's Too Late To Apologize to the Moon Goddess. Then as soon he apologize, the next day his ears direct recover.
After many years, this kid finally grown up. He felt many enquiry and doubt abt the moon legend. He felt confuse and still wanna try if the moon still cuts his ears. After several pointing his ears are still fine.
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LoL... so when you are young... u heard the same leggend b4? U experience the "ear cut" b4? Hmm... i think i experience b4... LOL...