Sunday, May 3, 2009

Virus Attack!

Have u notice that lately that alot of user's pc got attack by virus?

Especially msn users and the result of it, they randomly send Porno Ads to everyone in their msn contact list. Not only msn okie, friendster too!

I got prove. Let me proudly show u. Wah hahaha...

#1. See what comment did the mm send me!!!

#2. Msn Span

#3. Msn spam

#4. Msn spam

Wait wait... after viewing 3 msn screenshot, u all must be starting to get curious abt that Chong dude. No la, that Chong dude not Jojo! Sure not him one, He is Johnny... not Johny. Although he is vr hiao, dl all sort of blue blue stuff but he is smart enough not to get his ass kick by the virus.

I got prove he is hiao k. No simply say one. He proudly announce him self hiao in his blog. He also taken pervert quiz in facebook and proven he damn hiao. Congratulation Jojo!

The virus which attack this Chong dude vr keng ler. Spam 5 or maybe MORE Porno Related advertisment in 15min.

Man, that's turning ppl Sexcited! *Drool* Annoying!

Okie, so how to avoid ur comp from virus?
  1. Install & Update your anti virus.

  2. Do not go to blue blue & yellow yellow site!
    If u insist, pls do get consult from Jojo Pro. He will teach u how to entertain without getting ur ass kick by virus!

  3. Avoid clicking random link your friends send u through mail, msn, Social Networks, etc...
    Eg. Click me to see me get naked!
    Eg. Hei, this is my latest picture. Accept my files!
    Eg. I'm horny.
The above 3 tips should be enough to get u out of trouble. I know its simple, but ppl still get conned! -_-"

Okey but sometime is really not your fault to be blame, bcos u are sharing your comp with few users. So dun feel bad for your self k. hahaha...

My PC got virus and what should I do??!
Dun worry, just reformat it. Ask your friend or servicing center to format your pc.

If u dont trust your friend's or cervicing center's skill. You can always count on me! Just give me a email or drop msg at my chatterbox. I'll respond to u asap.

Oh last thing, pls do let your friend know if anything suspicious like virus attack happen. Most of the time your friend wont know his / her msn is spamming Ads to other contact. That's not busybody but u are just trying to help. hahaha...


whisper said...

Yeah virus getting more geng nowadays :P

HaPpY said...


This virus creator si beh genius!


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There is no duty we so underrate as the duty of being happy. By being happy we sow anonymous benefits upon the world.Yours is a nice blog.