Saturday, March 1, 2008

Creative Ad Part 1

Yo~ Long time no blog... sorry to my loyal fans & reader abt that. Too many things happening this month. Let me see... CNY... My Graduation... and i got serious flu for the pass few weeks, till now i'm not fully recover yet. Ops, stop cutting the crap. I'll try post my graduation pic when i selected them. So for time being, i got few advertisement which i think is funny and creative to share wif u. So Cheers ^^

Can u understand the meaning of the ad? Y they all want to WORK FOR FOOD??! LoL...





















This is basically a Insect Repellent ad. If you r careful enough, you will notice there is a small insect repellent at right bottom side of the pic. So dun use too much insect repellent. Pity the cute animal and plant =)

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